academic session
- The Global Media Economic Academic Conference, the biennial-conference was held in China for the7th session, which is the first Asian country to sponsor it.
世界传媒经济学术会议每两年举办一次,中国是作为首个亚洲国0家获得第七届会议主办权。 - The period of ancient Greece and Rome culture and Hebrew culture have been recognized as the two largest source of western culture by the academic session, and produce far-reaching effect to the world culture.
古希腊罗马时期的文化和希伯来文化一直以来被学术界公认为西方文化的两大源头,并对世界文化影响深远。 - Lots of college students are hit by anxiety and depression before a new academic session.
每个新学期开始前,总是有很多学生遭受焦虑与抑郁的打击。 - There are two views in the academic session. The first one is that the customer value affects customer buying behavior via an intermediary variable, the other one is that the customer value directly influences customer buying behavior.
第一种是顾客价值通过顾客忠诚或顾客满意等中介变量间接影响顾客购买行为,第二种观点是顾客价值对顾客购买行为产生直接的影响。 - An academic session during the summer, usually for remedial or supplementary study.
也就是说在夏季提供的可以起到补充作用的一种课程。 - A Summary of the Academic Reports at the Eighth National Session of Chinese History Society